Huntington Beach, CA: Our clients come to us with an asset based loan or financing need that almost always is required in order to grow their business. If you are like most business owners, cash flow is tight and if you receive a big order outside the normal course of business, it could be challenging coming up with the cash to cover the cost of goods and deliver the product. Your cash need could also be to finance additional equipment and require an asset based equipment loan in order to meet the increased capacity required to fulfill a contract.
Traditional banking places the emphasis on the cash flow and financial strength of the company, the borrower. They are primarily concerned with how financially solid the company they are lending to is. This is good practice, and it makes sense that the companies that the banks deal with are in good financial health. The obstacle to clear however, is that most companies are leveraged to a high degree and can not meet all of the required ratios banks look for when making a credit decision.
If your company is growing quickly and every dollar is going back out the door to cover ongoing working capital needs, it is likely that you will not meet all the requirements of bank lending. For example, banks look at the leverage ratio of the company. This ratio is figured by dividing the total debt of the company by the equity of the company. Equity being the total assets minus the total liabilities. If you have more than 3 or 4 times the liabilities as you do equity, banks will shy away from offering you more credit for fear that your profits and company cash flow will not be able to pay off the new debt. Again, a prudent way to look at things, but the problem is that most borrowers do not qualify.
The advantage to bank lending is the cost. If your company can qualify, then banks will be able to offer the lowest borrowing rates.
The other option are asset based loans. Asset based loans have a broad spectrum of categories. An asset based loan can be used for commercial real estate purchases, inventory loans, equipment loans and purchase order financing to name a few. In an asset based loan, the lender is looking at the asset being used as collateral in the transaction. For example, if your company received a large purchase order and needs additional cash to pay the upfront costs or deposit required by the supplier, and asset based loan is a good option. The asset in this instance is the purchase order itself. Purchase order financing is often accompanied by a factoring loan. Factoring loans are asset based loans secured by the invoice sent to the customer versus the purchase order sent to the supplier. For more information on factoring loans click here.
In our experience, business owners are qualified for asset based loans more often than bank loans. We explore each option as appropriate and the obvious choice is always revealed in the end. Our clients like the unbiased consultation and industry insight we bring to the table. Because we are not lending our own money and acting in a consultant capacity, we are able to align ourselves on your side of the table and deliver the best options for you and your funding needs. Additionally, in the majority of cases, our services are free to our clients. Our lender network compensates us for bringing them asset based loan opportunities.
If your business would benefit from an asset based loan or equipment loan, give us a call. My direct line is 714-719-8966.
To your success!